To enhance the educational atmosphere of the Taylor School District by developing an active alumni association for the common good of both the graduates and the school district.
Lifetime membership form under Alumni Purpose tab at top of page.
Founder: John Pantalone
President: Caroline (Craddock) Patts TC 1973
V.P. TCHS: Judy (Barnhart) LaFleur TC 1965
V.P. JFK: Ken Renner JFK 1970
V.P. HST: Shawna (Stein) Maynard HST 1990
V.P. THS: Open
Secretary: Sheri (Graham) Engelbrink HST 1977
Treasurer: Nancy Mascaro Miller JFK 1967
Former President: Mary (Swartout) Rusnak JFK 1972
Taylor Alumni Association
11501 Beech Daly Road
Taylor, MI 48180-3941